The Ultimate Glow Up - Day 1

The Ultimate Glow Up - Day 1

New month! ✨ it’s time to glow up! We’re giving a glow up step every day for the month of March! Be sure to check back daily to follow along, implement these into your life and watch the magic happen ✨ 

Day 1) Walk outside daily!

Whether you’re an early morning person like me or not, it’s time to start your day right. Get up girl, were going walking! Walking helps you set your headspace and mindset for the day. Exercising first thing in the morning has been proven to be beneficial, not only to your physical health but heavily on your mental health. Not only that but fresh air mixed with a motivational podcast (soon to be ours 😉) or some of your favourite tunes will give you a boost first thing making you ready to take on your day. You will also feel much more energised and awake by the time you start work and I always find that I am more productive after getting a little bit of exercise first thing.

Walking is also a seriously underrated way to drop some extra kgs and is low intensity enough to not make you hate life while doing it haha! I also spend time planning, manifesting and come up with some great new ideas while walking. 

For the month of March (atleast) add this to your mornings! Walk a minimum of 30mins and do 10,000 steps a day and see how you feel at the end of the month. It’s only 30mins! Trust us ✨

I'd love to hear from you on how you feel each day and how you feel at the end of the month so feel free to comment or join our wellness community on facebook and lets keep each other accountable! 
Much love,
Court xo

Glow up Day 1 - Moon Co. Mind & Body
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